The York Dispatch from York, Pennsylvania (2024)

EVE iPAT CM 115, YORK, SATURDAY EVENING, OOTOBEJR 10. 1885. PRICE 2 Ots. In 5hruh. Prrt Fires By Telegraph.


Kw Octet r. meaner, Hi quiet Governments, Crra; eurr.wcf l.8e; bid; COUP 1.23.! hl 8 430 I 12.S bid. Cotton Not ho (iuod a First Keportett-Tbe Corn Ifop a Uood Uve Wheat Hhoft lttr Crop Fair Oihfr It asses 1 III" JlOHNIJiU. HiaalbAl a St.NjO. IIifKiplmlnn Felt Im St Torta.

bal ao Daniase lorar A (iraud Kif hi WlUftlMl IbOOMDdl (ipMUiori-Ylary New. ton, a-sc 11 yar. JifnrU ti St 1 n. 75 WwitMTj ITnltn. Adinisi Eiprs' 2a Hi Chlthfn TblTM.

The premises of Jacb Smith at Manchester, were rieited by th eken thieves last niptt, and a half, zn yoncx chickens stolen. Nj ciue to the tltievrs. 1 lie Hi anlh Mr.denls. The Spanish btadents fc.ia rendered SArie hoe music lat evening at Selak'e garden. They are certainly fine performers aed their nm-t? is of a biyh order.

They will sppear sgin to-tight in a new programme. Hip Sw 5farrlaK A nett lit volume entitled, The Law Mairiages in IVunsylvania," has btM issued by T. J. W. Jchnson cV 53o Chestuut street, Pbiiadelphia, is in its tec-end edition, and will te mailod on receipt of 25 cuts.

It is a valuable little work for tho-e who want to be oted on the new law. Send and get one. Siirtl' rlnp HI Urand- p. ktwW. io5 WU9 Fxrro A ZZVtm, To ladies, on- from Loganv ill? and the other Iroai Hanover, had their pockets picked yestc-rddy, oae of 4 and the other of Postal Cards.

Tho York pcstcfice a supply of cards to-day. They are gnr.c like hot ckes, about 13,000 having been sold to-day. Th supply of postals has net, heretofore, -ea equal to the demand. lira- Tiblf. A new ti table goes into etlee on the Pennsylvania railrcal on inday next.

There is but little change cn the FredeiicV. i vision. Ihe only change is in the Columbia express which leaves York at p. instead of 8:08 as beret TIceituK o( Rrforiurti My ncd. The "Synod of tdie Reformed Church of the United States," will meet on Wednesday next week, October at Mittiin- Fierce, 0t-lf-r 10 A terrible and widespread prarie fire Is racing in the northeastern part cf this (Piejc-) county, and ia tho adjoicinj; counties of Cedar, Wayre and Koox.

A Lirh wind hr-a been blowing and the gref.t fire tas been travel-ing with rreat rapidity. Tfce hay on every farm ia the course of the 6re has b-eu swept oil. Many settlers have lost bares, heds aM out-houses, and one man his dwtllh-g p'ace All the i ay cn the L'sm bottoms, which hr.1 i.r-en put np for the cattle on Col. Aff's (C vr couutj a farm ccntainirg r.c eshas been de-trojed. Tbre are many iaree h- rds of in thU r-ioii, acd as the hay has be-ji de stroyed, the lo-s will be very severe on tl stockmen, Tho fire which seems to.havc ttaittd about the centre of Kuox ceucty, jusl below tin Santee Sioux rcativa tion, has ben bea'ing sca p.aiust p.

i tit ircts to TBI KVXIG DllfiTCH over Our Ovn Ml. S. oilier i I- 5iw 1 a -I tl FnUetJ rn to as Kvksts inrATCB eai 0 VUrv, N'orWttai'loV si tBt Northern -cific fwifis 'f Nor. 4 catekadrrr IVutrmi lt? Vnioo Sllasourt Hoc JLKiSiLx'" 19 Texas lc fle JWH nftaacueo rrrd. Nts- York Kitrd Wd KS at.

rui. 1 1 MR.ctittn ies Alt. A Two BftuUj 4 stror.g wiod, which has stayed its progress. 1 ix-i 1 mil in Canada HS'-'Na. CrJt Inl.l.

M. 1.. the ly let thu, i thi cnav of i. i ti wi ore a 10 lTer W- IVmouat. Mr-'.

Hzzif3 WcKe, of Glen Rock, is visiting Mrs M-nnis Goodliog, at No. 31 South P-u i street. Mrs. Kate Troup, of Steelton, who v' tven visiting in York the past week as tl guest of Mrs. Harry Speakman, on West hJaiket ftreet, left home to-day, much p'rase wi ii her trip.

IH1 i i i It -CL. ii.C DISPATCH OTer vyire.j 10 1.20 a. at 12:30 o'clock a. m. ui.y aiid surrounded by ie- Mc U-'t-'J' was born in g.

-lolJ, tie bouse frciu rvld '--i t'J lli people of the of ll jcars ti alaa mater of to i i p. 't -i and, ai Eumq ittsburg, i in Two ii and. iu the Andrea deha VulVe, ns-cialed with two who took a deep interest i of them was the rector in and after-. i; the other i I the Irish college, and i Cuileii. Father .1 Now York ia 1-38 pastor at bt.

lot H'-d as prtfe.dt nt of St. K. at Fold ham, he was con-it as titular buhop of Allere to A ich bishop Hughes, oi i the See of Albany was Dr. McCh tkey was made its Co jnty and work i-ical di.raao. Art UltlUKjipiDS aCiillil.

Hy TrlegraT, Octet. -r 10, A man nmcd WtoJro-T kidnapped the thtt-e-j t-rtr-old dauahttr of Joseph Aidefield.of Oscoda, yoit' rdy, and took with Ltr on a railroad. lie was inteicep ed at U.ty end lodenl in jail and the child restored to its parer.ts. NVordrow pays that he tan give no reason fo: his act. Br tie I'uKfM emmeut and iKMd Urofcerti, 89 Sonta JMri tfchf*ckrhltt, a.

v. m. rttitA3M.i-aix, UotoDer 10, ism. UtlJtWl 8tt I Vi do i i Jt.v A U'J J'par j-'irfcnti liadtwad Mior.d'o'i.hU Ue.vtts 4 LclS OcnrHiy. t-urg, Uuioa ctuaty, Pa.

The synod con" sts e-f 9 aud li 220 ministers. ions and 70,133 members. The number ef clerical and lay dt 1 'gates ele-ete." to represent the tlereut laiii will be from 'Jo to 100. KlitiWjy lUpairxl. Tfce fishwssys in tire Coiutubia dam, ged by the ice last p.

ing, bve bv-n repaired Anotln waste of money. Never a srhfsd passed up thete expensive woiks of the State and any money spent upon them might as well have rwen thrown into the deepest hole iu the Susqiu hanua. They are, however, in good shape, now for the ice to damage them again. 'Ihe ratting schute has also been repaired next spung Ai (lip 1 utt Another large audience greeted Charles T. Ellis and Clara ore in "lieiuiau last evening, if au thing, the stars Wt'rc in better voice than tii previous and acted with dath sp rit.

eJerman Luck" is a play full ef e-g a a 1 1 1 a i i incidents aui is pure at.d who'esoufc, which is saying a great deal, cais.denng seme of the lute productions en the dramatic stugt. it gives both the leaders a chance to wvi in their specialities, which were tkeu ad-van go of hands jmely. The sup putt of Mr. E.iis is ot a first a-s ortb-r end he d. -tervis credit for surroiittai: with such a bedy of experienced actors.

May his retuu to York be speedy. Y.a P.VCS.. H. K. New York, October 10.

The most intense excitement existed in the city this tuorairg on account of the great explosion at Hell Gate, whereby Flood Uoek was to be removed at 11 o'clock. Thousands of timid but anxious spectators ere hurry ing forward to wUnets the great evnt. The bors cars on the east side were fitted to heir utmost capacity effectually biocktding the ioutes owing to the inability ot the horses to draw the heavy weight. The B.Tvkiyn briig' rapidly filled with thousands of people couriocs to ses. "something" yet fearful cf damage that might occur at the tower or anchorage.

Kxery available on house of canveaieut altitudes was svcur.d for the purpose of witnessing the final wuik. The explosion took place at 11.13, the vibration bciug felt in New York and Ihooklyn. It esiintsted that the progress of vibiatitui was at t'ne rate of 1700 feet per StCond. Iu tile neighborhood of tb- pot-eilhv. the vibration was felt at 11:13 The IktKi'slyn bridge whs ti.led with it-ople from Bitik'n and New Yoik, and for a wonder the police did not interfere.

As viewed from this point, there was a vast cloud of vapor which was eoo.i wafted away by tho wind. Steam i amn hes from the ltrooklyli Navy Yard gaaivOtt ail th approaches to the terrioio tiyiinctte mine. A hundred meU In the bright unPorms of th United State Engineer Cor ps guarcb the- rive Hunt on ihe Ii'ug 1 sland shore, whil guard cf the Mttroptdaan police were sta-tiont at intervals a.eng th.i New York shore to keep venturesome sightseers out of danger. The. be tu.if..l weatlur and the eleuness of the utmosphere brought the doomed rock within tho of thousands gathcrd at different points for a mile around.

The-ro Wns excitement atnor.K 'he inmates of the great public institutions on WarC's and LLickweil's where tt wa feared tho e-book of the explo-slou mi. ht cause sorao disasters. A largo forte cf rroi AksiMlan t-fosCtuler- neral Nte eti-tiU itutit. By L-legcgph. Bloomingtok, Ids Oiobei 10.

First-As-istant-l'oiiiustftr-G. u.ral Stoavenson was t- uderc-d a public ception last evening during which ho was with a headed cino. lie will leave for Washington to-day. Orpgan f.r Union r-llc Wrstwn inor Washinton, D. October 10 Tne fallowing crop leptri made public by ihe Department of Agriculture at 12:15 p.

m. to-daj: The high condition of cotton in June and July was not maintained in August aLd September. Seveie storms and excessive raiES have prevailed; tut has destroyed the foliage and worms have injured the fruit worse than for several years. THE COTTON CHOP. Another fall in the averags if condition hns ecu-red from fe7 oathe first of September to 78.

The average in October of the cerrsus ytar was 81 at the ul unite, jield four tenths oT a bale. Thia year the great, st d-ciice is in the rtgimof tighst rate of yield, reducing iLu relative i'ro Juction. The dpartraent tstimato of increase of area tlr.c-fc 170 is I'G per cei t. The returns both to condition end io prospective yield per acre in hundredths of a bale. The figures must not be considered final as the date of killing ficst and the autumn mey easily cause a vaiation ef a quarter of a million of bles Condition by Slates is as 78, North Carolina 77, Sou'h Carolina 79, Georgia 87, Florida 84, Alabama si, Mississippi 89, Louisaua 77, Texas 78.

Arkansas 70, Tennas-see 74. The expected yields, with average future condition, are; Virginia, of a ba'e, North tr-rolina 3S, South Caro.ina 33, Georgia 35, Florida 23, Alabama 30, Mississippi 41, Louisiana 43, Texas 38, Arkansas 42, Tennessee 33, 3tX hundredths of a bale. Ii in million bales more than Ihe present crop sui.j.ct to luture meterc-loglcal conditions. A GOOD CORN CROP. The corn crop is made with very little in-Jury from frost and with a yiuld slightly hbuve an average.

The general average of cou Jit on is the sama as last mouth t'3, a figure not attained in Octoher since Tfce yield ptr acre will le returned next month but present lntiicat'eiis olnt to bushels per acre throughout, tte. country-. Nebracha stands highest. Visconsin, Minuest'ln, K'-iiisae, Virginia, North Carolina and the I'aciac Coast bvaow to. NOT SO MUCH WHEAT.

The returns for wheat are on th.j basis of yield per acre for the area harvested. The average is about ten-and one-half bush-is. it is only nir.e bushels on the area sown which was nearly forty millions. The area harvested is net precisely determined, but will probably cot much exc ed thirty-four million acres. The states, averaging four TiOvris-rni et Ntarin- tiilTSr, i i WhslMaU BTw TorK rrodn HarUll By Unltftd Vte.

New Yob. October 10. rioni dull and unchanged. heat, No. 2 red wb ter October, fK)i; November, fl 0Q-; December, 1 01J.

Coin. No. i mlieo, October, filMi Novca- Oats, No. 2 mixed, Novctubcr, 3ca; Te-cember, 32 Rye, dull and romlrah Bar lev, quiet and unchanged. mics, 9 .80.

'A Lard, October, 28; NovemlKT, C. Turpentine steady, 34 Rosin, firm; 1 O2J-01 03 for strained. Butter, dull; weotern creamery, 20vl Comlcietlof Huriler. Ttliiapli Na iivii.le, tHtober 10. James Baxter, who Mrs.

Jas. II. Lane at Lebanon, September 1'-', because rhe refesid to ie bii money, was yesterday convicted if murder iu thu first degree. TtlibilrSHluK freiiiJ like i'ool. By Telegraph.

St Paul, October 10 Formal notice of ih withdrawal ot the Burlit'gton Quincy frou the transcontinental pool was received by President Ohes of the Transcontinental pool last evenii g. flashes died in lhG4, worn it r3 ier the. Church and the and Bishop McClOskey succr No ivvt position for bis (Jhurcli. many religious comtnuLit os, -jiiiiu, an institution for the homes for destitute chd-efuge for aged peotle. Bat is thu stateljT -atid i pile which the name ek'-s aud v.

liose TllK. ItKYSlOAE. A iy of trapyen usm Tbrobsh Var-loux I'ckr i of (be fttair. A HOT GROUND TO PIF.CE3 IN A COAL tiEAKEK. At the Luke Fid.l'.er Breaker near Sba-mokin, Friday morning, a Pe-P'sh toy, em-ployed as a slate picker, missed his footing and fell headlong in a box in which were revolving a pair of "roenkej" rollers used in preparing the smaller sizes of coal.

Be-fere the machinery could be slopped his bt.dy was ground to pieces. INCENDIARIES AT H1GHSIMHK. Within the pn- week no ss tln.n three iucei.diarj tires have occurred in and about Iiighspire, a village east of ilarrisburg. The lst was Friday night and resulted in the destruction of a barn on the farm of Sheriff Mumma. All the cor.terts were destroyed.

The kss is unknown, but is covered by insurance. FELL ROM HIS WAGON DEAD. Isaac Sah-n, a prominent merchant resiling in Penn township, near Mount Hope, Lai caster county, died suddenly Friday afternoon, lie started to drive some distance frein his home for his daughter, who is a school toucher. On the way he was taken with heart d'sease, to which he had been subj-et, and fell frem the wacon, dead. Tie coroner's ir quest ehowed that death suited trcm li- ait uiense.

lie wrs over forty years old and leaves a wife and several children. A WAIt AGAINST FOREIGN LABOR IN HUNTINGDON. Seriocs trouble is threatened at the Dry Lluiiow Iron Ore Mines, in Warrior's Mark townt-hip, Huntingdon county, on account of the retention of Italian and llungarian miners. The mines are operated by the same company that recently discharged all these foreigners from the works at Saxton, and tho residents in the vicinity of the mines, as well as the American miners, are insisting that they be discharged from labor tit "rv neese, iaiu; isiam uw vy r.ggs, rnru; oiaie, ne.cvou, Ishiiid crojhcd to Black vvt poo CO Uy Tel -grain Paius, October lo. Dispatches rtceived fn Madsga-car night etate that the French bi.ekaddd lha p.

it of NaUmaadry. A3miral lus preceedtd to Msjussga on the northwest coast. early in the shores near tl morning and patrclkd the i penitentiary grounds to allay a whs mainly due to Lis ef-' Urch 15, lh75, he was ap. the fiit Amt-r-o receive fnua Home tho caarch. Wealthy with a itvtcne suitable st -i the ladies of his diocese a superb irriaa and a mu On April 7t! v.

it the insignia of his Liv i mo-, pord-eou-J ceremony of it a i occurred in this country. ry- pl to Rome and received from i. confirmation of his new dig- OC1 tl tinirt li- IjpaJ svan in niAr? 1'rary elusion of a prince cf ilis healih was such that him, aud he rarely left (i-i "hiirduU and nomtral; refined cutloar, granulated, Q) conlectioners Tallow, steady; prime city, CJg. Coffee, dull; fair cargoes, VoSaKKflx, Terminal. Freights, dull end DcmlnaL Chltaco Frodoca Market.

By the United Preaa. Chicaoo. Oct. 10. Wheat, November, 805i; IWomber, Ul; May, Jan- uay, 92.

Corn-October, Kovember, 40; Mv, Oat October, 25; November, Mhv, 25 V. Pork N-vembor, $8 3J; January, 13. Lard November, fo 95; January, f(3 00. Ribs January, 14 70. A Farmer looud DeuU in it Well.

Br Tt-tegraph. Cakunville, October 10. John Butters orth, a farmer living a few miles north of this city, was found dea in a well. It is supposed that he committed sulci ie. to six bushels, are Virginia, the Carclinas, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, West Virginia and Kentucky.

Missouri returns 8 bushels, and Ohio 8.1; Illinois California 0 Pennsylvania 10; Indiana By, 10. Prince Albrecht has been appointed reg. nt of Duchy of Brunswick. '1 Juke of Cumoeriand entered au cnergfi a panle or queli any outbreak among the 1200 prisoners. in Astoria and upper New York the windows of houses were thrown opori a few minutes before 11 o'clock.

A small band of earnest men stood about r. small battery in a little temporary building ou the Long island shore ou the dock north of the Astoria Ferry slip. These were the Eugi r.eers who had planned and prepared for the great event of to-day. Geoer-i! Newton, their chief, stood quietly aud cooiy talking to one of the Engiuoens Frequently he consulted his watch. All houses near tho battery were deserted.

The engineers were about 1,000 fed away irtiiii uu miue. At 11:12 precise, one of the pirty toudied the little key of the batiery. Instantly dyna-uiita cartii-igt protruding from that many roh is drilled in the mini', wre xplodcd and the pounds of "lackarack" packed back in the dynamite earti idges, went up A second later Flood Keck Went said atout the Ntt mud there 10 Iowa 11 Minnesota and Maryland 11 5, with a largo area; New York and tl, pt wfn-n be took his sum-n --i--Tt. The hiticth anai- Tt---- i.n-ili to the pries tbood 12, 164. Ort 15 Michigan 20; and Colorado.

Montana, Utah, and Washington 21 to 23 Iair-! itr: bushels. THE OTHER CROPS. The average yield of oats will be nearly Hall at Harvard. By Telegraph. Bos i on, October 10.

President Elliott, yesterday said that be could oiler the. Harvard Foot Ball team no encouragement for hoping that the faculty at' Its airc'EWt--week would sanction ths teams entering into any Inter collegiate games this faU. If the games were satisfactorily played the elevt might be allowed to enter next year. Too Harvard delegate will bear this statement to the Foot Ball Convenllon ia New Yoik City to-day. 51'irUerlns Hit tJrantl-liiotlier.

rj. Fred. A. Bruce, yesterday and 'I cu the charge wirrotter. The grand iciinen; for murder in TU killing occur ted a year 1 I lie tialai" Ir t5 New Yolk, October Lieutenant ilenn, oi ih British navy, ownei of the yac Galatea, sent a challenge, to the New York Y.icht Club for a iae-9 for tho America's cup at the time of the owner of tho Genesla, but the Galatea did not come over.

Now Lieutenant iienn renews 1 is By the advice of tie itsigner, J. Beaver Webb Galatea is to be and probably lengthened. This challenge is merely an extension of the former one. It will be considered at the next meeting of the club, which occurs October 22. The owner of the Galatea wants the contests to occur as late rep was not as kuJ as was i i Ur J.

i dnTerence in wages for which they are willing to woii-, but that has nrceh to do with the eling against them. Violence and rioting, appiehended unless the company comes to a prompt decision to discharge theiu. SIXTY MEN" THIIOWN OUT OF WORK UY A FIKE. Tho American Box and Shook Factory and Planning Mill, owned by Thomas U. Thompson, of Williamsport, was burned Friday morning.

The building and machinery, together with a large amount of stock were destroyed. The less will be nearly The insurance is $23, 5X, of which 20,000 was on tho mill and the balance on the stock. The insurance is held mostly in sums 1000 in various companies. The origin of the fire is unknown, but it is thought to have oeen the woik ot an incendiary. Sixty men are thrown put of employment by the.

lire. A LUNATIC'S FERTLOCS HIDE. twenty tight bushoU per acre, insuring a crop iu excess of six hundred million bushels. The rye average is 10.4 boshe'e, nearly two hundred hort cf the yield of 16S4. Tii average yield of barley will be about 22 bushels per acre.

Tne condition of potatoes has seriously7 declined on account of the prevalence cf rot in New York and Michigan and elsewhere. The declino frr-m the first of ptember was eleven po nts. Thiee plectra of heavy ordinance eX Ot cte THE TOiiK t'Ol'Si'V CIlUKSiill. A towr i'ntj tl uioi rtit'M TtMr on Hie (rra: (Jnll'is ol li liny. Tho time is drawing near when the voters of this will failed upon to te for some person to sit upon tho bench ed our couits for the next t'n years.

that perse best fitted and qualified to liii this high aud honorable is, is a question that every voter should take into the most serious -considerati n. Every person, it seems to me, possessing an ordinary degree of intelligence, would certainiy want to see tho most competent man elected to such an high and trustworthy position unless they ware completely blinded by partisan prejudice. The office of a Judge of the courts is something that thould bo Pfted from the mire of partisan polities altogether. It is too ennobling iu its character to be assim-ula'ed with or made a part of such a nar-rorr, contracted school. A judge is the umpire of ah parlies, and as such he shouid know neither one or the other.

Ali parties therefore, unite to secure the best quai'ilcd pt vson ta 'ill this place of public trust one that will carry iu it nil the prerequisites that are. necessary to grace with honor and dignity. The very able manner in which rheso essentials have been displayed for the last ten is perlaps without a parallel in the i-tory of oar couit hence the great do-ire of the best men of ail parties was to continue the present incumbent in cilice, and when he failed to receive the nomination at the hands of a partisan convention it was looked upon as a great calamity by all right thinking people. The next step to be taken then in order to avert this calamity was to induce him to consent to his name being used as an independent candidate, which he finally consented todo. His subs qaent withdrawal, from the eanvess was receiver by hts many frleLds with profound regret.

Trie nxt step was to ind another, fitted and qualified to take his phice. That or.e has been brought before us for our consideration (as the next test man) in the pereon of James W. Latimer, lha People's candidate. He is presentei to us without any solicitation on his part by the very same committee of gentlemen that urged Judge Wickes ta run as an independent candidate. He, comes to us indorsed by the best men of ali parties as eminently fitted and qualiOei in es'ery way to fill with honor the judicial seat.

What then is our duty in the premises? It seems to me to be a very plain one. We ought to be consistent at least. We ought to be to our convictions of right. Therefore to be true and consisted we ought to give our undivided support to Mr. Latimer from the fact taat he stands precisely where Judge, Wickes stood prior to his withdrawal from the canvass, and is therefore fully entitled to receive our sup.

port. Ia view facts thtn let U3 consider this matter well. Those ot us who voted for Judg3 Wicke's delegates prior to the convention and who would have' remained true to him had he received the nomination should cow without any hesi- worth 00,000 She to Fred's farm, which the had and which she was in he ani Frtd were sit- Fit.i iu loading to try vvd a shell from the box r- The top of A Panueron Bock Discovered. Uy TeBgraph. Washington, D.

October 10. The coast survey gives cotica lo mariners that a dangerous pinnacle reck about tea feet in diameter tas been discovered la the East river on a lice betwfen Belleone lioepital in York, and the apex of the Lorg lalind Railroad sign in Brooklyn. To avoid this dancer In passing to the eastward of Black Baoy, No. cotice is given that "vessels should keep cIoe to the buoy or else bug tb.3 Long Island shore." as possible, in order to get time for a few hom*o races, so that the poh-ts of his boat may be thoroughly tested. He desires to have five races three hre and two at Newport.

The races at Newpoit will lake place at the tone of the annual cruise. The truels of speed here will probably take place next August AptoUatmeiil3 by Site President. By Telegraph. -ungton, October 10. Tad president to day made the following adpoir.t-aient-: To be Marshals of the United states David It.

Walters, of for the wes: eru district of Michigan: Edward of Indiana; for the district of Indiana, vice Roberts. Faster. Navy Commodore a B. Luce to be Rear Admiral; Captain David B. Harmony to be Commodore; Lieutenant Commander, Francis W.

to be Commander; Lieutenant 1. BurweU to Lieutenant Passed Engineer, Jno. A. Scott to be- Cuhf Engi a head was blown of. FreJ ih; shell was capped, ilu psp.MS ws what pur-- v.

hrr propeity to 1 tx cutor. The bat the persons as witnesses r---r siw the fill and never Tn's ird to an inves'i--'. aeaiiist Fred. lie nrratutoi to diy. 'Il'tiuurl ilnrtier.

Mo October 10 K. F. ini James Webb about 3 '-1 -lay t'To and a-half Webb was encased in 1 i l-jya when shot, and indi- Marrfase License for Tills Weci. The TJik of the Court, William F. Ramsay, issued four mairiage lienso for tire week ending, Saturday October 10, 1SS5.

Auolliri Larto l'aiupiiln. Jere Fiddler, residing on South Penn street, has in his possession a large pumpkin measuring 74 inches in tbickness and 94 in length. all (inlet at St. Looti Tu-daj. By Teleprapb.

St. Lours, Mo October 10. A state of truce exists this onrnlrjg la street car clr-clt No particularly strong efTjrt Is being made to run cars and every thing is peaceable, pending conclusions of the conference between the committee xf business men the railway managers and the fctiikerr, which is being held now. The conferer ca will probably not reacT a conclusion ur-til late. utnant Commander.

neer with ink cf hv wa waylaid by May and aim was horribly mangled discharged aimultaneoasy might mak as loud a noise. But second before the report heard, persons h-oking towai il Hell Gate 5 aw a rare picture. A great mass of foini, white ss sacw, went into the air to distance perhaps 2f0 feei falling back in wiid confusion to be met by swollen upheavals that came with and after the dull report that shoc tho bigget buildings in town. Big pieces of stone flew into the air in a perfect shower, but were caught ar.d almost hidden from view by the great mass of foam. A vapor covered tha troubled waters imm 'diate'y after the explosion, but the watching thousands could discern plainly that Fiood Rock was no moie.

All New York from Harfeni to the Battery south and north to the Bronx River felt the shocks, for there wc-'C three of them lasting over one minute. Tho current of electricity let hos-3 ly the touch on the little battery went over a s'ngle wire under tho wa'er to a Inavy B. eliminate battery on the rock which rfused the current throgh twenty-four indepeut circuits into the mio.e. The inner ends of those wires were united by abridge of fine p'atinum wire. The heat o-n nunicatci in this way-made the first explosion in the mine.

When the explosion eccurred big waves were sent swr-lling to tte s-hore er.d vessel at the decks racked and tugged at th3 linf which held theru. When the watr subsided It was a peculiar yello-ai di color an odor of carbonic acid gas filled the air which was unpleasant to inta'e. The crowd on land and water cheered wildly ar.d waved their hats an i the blew their whistles. Nothing was left of Fiood Rock a little pile of fragmentary stone on which rested the solitary derrick wrenched from its posl tion and almost covered with the ruins. Scarcely had the seth'ng mass of yellowish sea became cairn before steamers, lues and row '3ts made for the sene in an attempt to be tne first to cross the plae where a minute before lay one cf the most dangerous reefs in th-se water-.

A etalwart oarsman, in a little red boat, was the first to reach the spot, and his little boat bobbei up and down in the booing water. At Flood Rook, where previously there was only from four to feet of water, now is covered from four to six fathoms. It was Intended to baov the place, but Captrdn of light house boat, John Rogers, found no necessity for so doing, and vessels can now safely pass. A LITTLE GIRL TOUCHES OFF THE MINK. Ttmptraecc BeninniilraUoii tnl.czrBe By Telegraph.

Wilkepb 4Rrf, October 10. There was a great reunion of Father Matthew Catholic Total Abstance Societies, at Nantico*ke, this morning, seven thousand young Irish Americans participated. Addresses where delivered by the officers and Catholic cirgy. years ago there were very few temierance men among the Irish portion of the population of the coal regions. The Catholic church took of th-' matter and to dav in Luzerne county alone there are over G.000.

A Colored AduilUea to I tie Bar, By Telegrapi. Baltimoue, Md, Ojtobar 10. Everett J. Warning, a mulatto, was admitted as an attorney-at-law in the court of Baltimore, to-day. This wa3 tho first colored man ever almitted to the practice of law In Maryland.

lie was born in Sprinfield, Ohio, and taught school In that Stale for several years. ij the rijjht bresst which was with ti gun, as the locks lr by 1 is rk ago May herd that ''vt stated that he and May's to Webb denied May attempted to whip him -ipd by tl eing. He after- '-i brought before E--quire aoe, and May not being th- placed him under 1 Vx- il.e yeace until yesterday, va to be tried. i-a to-do farmer, and re- 51or ioods. J.

F. Strawinskt will leave for New York for another lot of goods. His trade is increasing and more goods aTe necessary to supply his customers. Tho fine attraction of the immense display of goods, and with the motto "Q'lick sales and small profi's," Mr. S.

is doing a big business. Au Old Almanac. We were shown an old Gernnn aknanac by John II. Barget, of 3-jS West King street, which he found among old papers. It was published by Christian Sour, Germantown, in 1772 It is usual old style, square shape almanac, but La-; more pages than almanacs cf the present time, and has matter of interest in cole niat daj It was printed, it will be noted, four years before the Declaration of Independence and during the revolution.

FIRST PKEMirS As a traiu on the Lehigh Road rushed at thirty miles an hour past Bowman's station on Monday list, James McBride, a lunatic, coming to Philadelphia iu charge of his brother, Rev. II. C. McBride, of Pittsburg, slipped nimbly from the Pullman car which he and his occupied, out upon the platform and down to the very last step, where ho stood iscd with one foot hanging only a few inches above the track. No one dared approach him Lst he leap from the car, and the cautious condcc'or pulled the bellrope.

As the train slackened its speed the madman leaped to tho ground, recovered hisbilance, and fled like a deer up the track toward Mauch ChuL-k. Th1? brother took an engine at Slatington, gave chase and captured the lunatic at Tarryville. PENNSYLVANIA MOONSHINEF.3 CAPTURED. A BIG HAUL CF AVHISKEY. A sucoestful raid was made within the past few days, by the United States marshals, on a gang of moonshiners in Susquehanna county, long carrying on extensive operations in illicit whiskey distilling.

In-foimation was given about three weeks sgo to Collector Staples, of Wilkesbarre, and Marshals Baning, of Wilkesbarre, and Bedford, of Scranton, were detailed to look up the case. Oa Tuesday they raided the place of Tiffany, ostensibly a farmer of Alfred, Susquehanna County. Tiilany was arrested and on his place was found a complete distillery in perfect working order. Oer2000 gallons of contraband spirits were also seiz and destroyed. The airest was q-iiet for a day or to, in hopes cf catching Tirfany's and Thursday W.

C. Chandler, proprietor cf ft saloon at Gibson, Susquehanna County, wes arrested as the accessory. On premises were found about 4000 gallons of contraband whisky. It is believed that many others were implicated in the business, but the alarm bad been given and it is doubtful if any others can be arrested. The spirits were made from corn and fruit and the capicity of the drstillery captured was about 700 gallors.

The cpera-ations have been success fully carried 6n for some years, and, though rumors of the exists nee of the moonshiners had got abroad, they could never be captured. Tiffoay and Chandler were brought before United States Commissioner Hehn and each was held in $5000 bail for triah fancy on our part cast our votes for Mr. Withdrawn. The Hotter Houss was withdrawn from sale to-day, at a bid of 10,700. The sals was tben postponed until October 24, at 7 o'clock p.

m. Conrt, Court convared this morning at 10 o'clock, Judge Wickes on the bensh. but eurrent business was transacted. until next Saturday at 10 o'clxk. re.

Youpc Webb was 1 for W. W. Walker who a quiet and industrious h- ilelloberls held auia- I'e 5 I a -i Kallroad Sued for 81OO.O0O. By Telegraph. Youngstown, Ohio, Oc cbe: P'.

Suit for flCO.OOO damate was to-day commenced against tt Pennsylvania Railroad Company. The claimant is Daniel Fle-ch, who Was" iHuted and crippled for si'e in the collision on the Erie A Pittsburg line near Middlesex, on September 8th last. Korrow Over (lie Cardinal Drain. By TeifgTxpti. Albany, N.

Ym October 10. Extreme sorrow is expressed in this city where Cardinal McClosky passed many year3 of his life as bishop of Albany Th Rihopiic it is understood will take some official action Latimer. And those Republicans who favored the election of Judge Wickes, should also support Mr. Latimer; we would not be pursuing a consistent course if did otherwise. In conclusion, let rue.

say to ail parties, consider this matter weil bet ore you cast your vote. Ignore all party lines, cast i not yet renarreu silalrbas caused intense 1 c-ts a ijloorn over the com- srae in la'e last evening and iir- was placed in jail. nmn i.n.., olr nub sMi llundf aside all party predilection and prejudices; (ilvru ly llie People For the the finest and richest made acd trimmed suits was and is given to 'The -tist Tailor." Call, se order your Falls ah or overcoat. No. 0 South Geerge street, York, Pa.

iJt-S Team. Appointed Jottleeof IJae peaee, Esrom E. Eonner, wa tppcla'ed Jtstlce of Peace for Codorua township ytaterday by the vernor, and fcla comm'ssion was received by the recorder, Weslsw Glatfelter this morning. on the Cardinal's ceatr. go to the polls in November with your minds fully made up to do what is rUht.

Sustain the honor and dignity of our court by placing on it's bench the Peoples' Candidate, James W. Latimer. A Democrat in the Lower End. Slate Hill, October 8, 1883. Tarties visiting the fair should not fail call at the popular jewelry store, W.

Guy Stair, 10 South George October 10 A few as. icviEan furciibtd a team rry stable to a well-dressed iii 5b.p wanted to drive to the nr.Ies. The bill was paid -he said she would return fir -vhing has been heard of ii l1 a rx. a ti a hAitt .4 ft E7 mfnukfand Cne menui ckks and watches, and will be sold cheap at W. Guy Stair's, 10 South Geoe C5-4t.

Buy Star Clotting. c-r ut aery The entire outfit was valued Mary Newton, daughter of Gen. Newton, aged 11 years, closed the key which sent the current through the wires and fired tfce mine. Gen. Newton was slightly injured in the neck by the explosion of a fulminate torpedo.

He claims the honor of being the only man hurt. The daugafer of Gen'l Newton who pressed the buttjn, is the same one whose baby fingers brought about the great explo '-s believed she had a male ion- JL.ot. Will the person who found the white satin fan, hand painted and feathers, in the aera House, last evenig, nlease return to 19 Queen and receive a reward. was valued as the gift cf a friend. Bay Star Clothing.

Premium best display shoes, Miller. Premium be-s-. display shoes, Miller's. Pr mium best display Miller's. Premium best display shoes, Miller's.

lO.Nl'HPfIS CCBEO. An old pby-ieiar, retired from practice, having had placed in bis hanris by an Eist India missionary the formuia of a simple remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consnmptiou, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and alt Nervous Complaints, after baviDg tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his Buffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free rf charge, to all who desire it, tins receipe, in German, French or English, with full direc-tiona for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this Daner. WT.

A. Notes. 149 Power's Block. newspaper says that the latest is a St Louis horse that chews sensation ia Dr. "yrjo.

rte Fark iialiain saa Loaa Asaoela- IlOH Mets every Friday evening at 239 West Main street, 2nd floor. Persons wishing to borrow money can secure stock at ahy time on easy weekly Dayments. C. A- Eisexhart, W. A.

Myers, President. Clerk. Premium best display shoes, Miller's. Prtmiaui best display thoes, Millet's, i PremiuTi be-t display shoes, Miller's, -Premium tet display shoe, Miller's, A fins line of wood pipes, Jast received at Centre Square Cigar Store. is the greatest pain-destroyer it speediiv annitii-ates tan.

Premium best display shoe- Miller's Premium 8h rennam Deatupliy unoes, MUtet's. NO GREAS ON ATI P-a SLIP ON TYRE pole ml1 Bay StaxClothicg rO a pnr Krnica cal.l Vmitti ion nine years ago. In its appearance in the sound and in th character of the shoeir, the exp'osion to-day, was much like that Hollett's Point Ira 1876, except that the upheaval of water to day far greater Enameled monograms in all colors; also plain and fancy enpraviDgs made to order at V. Guy Stair's, 10 South George St. Premium best display shoes, Miller's.

Premium be-3t display shoes, Miller's. Premium best display shoes, Miller's. Premium best display shces, tr.d o' zrosi a wound of any otber 'ce only 25 cents. tivCf ''reelona." best 2 for 5 cigar in A lee Cream. Cream this evening; Peach and Y-ilila, E.

Getz's, 24 S. Market St. Rochester, N. Y. 10-10-ly-eow both in extent of river Una in which it occurred and in the height attained.

A Bay Star Clothing, iStATCloUliEg. ay 8tf Buy Star Clothing. i i.

The York Dispatch from York, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.